Please download this form:

                         1) to introduce yourself

                         2) to update your information

                         3) as a first step to becoming a member

                         4) I'm interested in serving on a Church committee

Then place it in the offering box or give to a member of the Connections Team or Leadership Team

Covington Community Church Information Form
Word – 20.4 KB 118 downloads

Becoming a Member:

When you are brought into membership of Covington Community Church, we ask you to reaffirm your faith in Christ and make a commitment to life in this body of Christ. We ask the following:

   1) Do you now re-affirm your faith in Jesus Christ and commit to follow him??

   2) As you unite with this church, will you worship, serve, share and support it by your prayers, attendance, service, and stewardship as God gives you strength?

   3) Do you promise to love and share with us in the unity of Christian fellowship by being generous in love and grace, bearing with one another